Virtual Event

Peeling Back Semantic Layers

Once you’ve built out a quality data foundation, how do you take it to the next level and ensure that everyone in your organization can consistently agree on definitions and deliver proper metrics and governance? Join this session to learn why adding a semantic layer to your data transformation layer amplifies your entire data analytics experience, and provides a unified view of your data with consistent business terminology and metrics.

Tony Kau, Partner Solutions Architect at Cube, and your hosts, Doug Barrett, Field CTO, and Josh Hall, Senior Product Marketing Data Engineer at Coalesce as they discuss how integrating Coalesce and Cube into your data stack allows you to seamlessly manage data pipelines, while exposing data models—or cubes—to your semantic layer.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Understand and use data created across your organization without necessarily having technical knowledge of databases or query languages
  • Improve query performance and optimize compute costs by pre-aggregating data in Cube
  • Support data mesh implementations with Coalesce by empowering data experts to help themselves to analytics-ready data whenever they need it


Tony Kau Cube
Tony Kau
Solutions Architect

cube logo

doug barrett coalesce
Doug Barrett
Field CTO

coalesce logo

Josh Hall,
Josh Hall
Product Marketing Data Engineer

coalesce logo

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